How you can help turkeys
Turkeys have no federal legal protections and spend their short lives being treated cruelly and inhumanely, from birth to death. Turkeys that are raised in factory farms only live 3-5 months, whereas wild turkeys live up to 10 years. And, unlike their wild, free roaming cousins, turkeys raised for human consumption are packed into dark sheds with no more than 3.5 square feet of space per bird and are denied even the simplest pleasures, such as running, building nests, raising their young or even enjoying fresh air and warm sunshine.
What can you do for turkeys? Ask questions, read and do research and educate yourself and others. Learn about turkeys and what is being done to try and change laws to better the lives of these gentle birds. If you or your family eat turkey, get it from a local farm where they are more humanely treated, better yet… get a vegan turkey, then no one suffers.
Please, get involved and show your compassion for turkeys by making the world a better place for turkeys.